
Refreshing Take

Different Kind of Blog

I want this to be a different type of blog.  I always find it annoying when looking for new ideas and land on a page that is so hard to find the actual list of ingredients.  That is why I am putting the list of ingredients at the beginning just in case you don’t have time to read through my life story about the dish.

Salmon Bowl

Looking for Different Ways

This will be different from most sites in that the fact that I will fail and I will have wins in cooking.  Maybe you can find the comfort in knowing that we will all fail at cooking at some point.  Hopefully will find some new tips and tricks in cooking methods and try out new recipes.   Whatever we may learn together I want this to be fun for all involved.


I will also try do some reviews of food, drink, kitchen equipment, and travel.

Food Travel Kitchen


My Story

I’m a 26 year veteran of the fire service.  Over the years I have really became interested in cooking at the station and home.  Meals were not always the best but the guys ate the food (ordered pizza later that night) and paid.   Always thought of the station as my test kitchen.  If you can make those guys happy then you have done good work.  I just figured I am about to retire in the next few years, why not see if I can start a new adventure.


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